That's what the taxi driver said just after stopping next to another cab, pointing at him, a bald guy with kind of a sinister but lost-in-his-thoughts look.
"That guy is crazy, he keeps following me". He bends over, turning on his CD player. A dark mix of IDM, dubstep and techno comes out of the speaker – something between Gridlock and Benga – as the car shoots off like a rocket.
We keep silent for a few minutes, rushing through the streets. "There he is ! ". I turn around, looking through the back window.
"No it's not the same guy"
"Yes it's him !"
I'm drunk, so the situation feels pretty amusing; I couldn't care less whether it's true or not, I'm just taking this moment as it is, a comical and mysterious one.
Sure, the driver does strike me as very stressed out, even a bit disturbed, but eh, as long as we get home, it's just a funny encounter, I'm okay with that.
That's when I notice that we aren't heading to my street, but circling around the block.
"Hey what are you doing, weren't you supposed to turn there ?"
"I'm just looking for a police car, to show them the guy, so that he doesn't bother me anymore"
I turn around to check, and there's nothing out there, no car.
A few minutes tick by, nothing new happens, and the cab is not even an inch nearer my home .
"Okay, I'm tired now, can you just drive me home, PLEASE ?"
"Wait, I'm just looking for a police car"
I'm so drunk that I'm still amused, grabbing my backpack and determined to jump the car if anything goes wrong, even at full speed, and I can't help but laughing.
After a while, we're, at last, in front of my building, but the driver has one last request : speaking in a low plaintive scared children voice he just asks timidly "Could you just please wait for the traffic light to turn green he's still behind me !"
I say okay, fed up with his bullshit, and I just go to the door to enter the code. As i finish dialing it, the guy steps on the gas and I have just one second to turn my head and see another car passing by and following him. It's driven by a bald guy, with a sinister grin.
Marching Dynamics - Nailsleeper (2007)Marching Dynamics - The Workers Party Of Haiti (2009) Interview (in french) on
Marching Dynamics Myspace