Some free (and old) mixes for a change
a beautiful monomaniac and slowly-evolving techno mix by Speedy J & Georges Issakidis on the very inspired blog Get The Curse, the 61st of a long running and always interesting collection.
Speedy J & Issakidis – Electric Deluxe [gtc061]
a more ghettotech-oriented mix, perfect to drop massive amount of sweat on the walls, this one is full of bangers (many more mixes on DJ Dials site)
DJ Dials - Face Melters Mixtape
Lastly, because we sometimes listen to music which is not always electronic in essence, the last one is the perfect mix for the summer, from the excellent african underground music blog Awesome Tapes From Africa, very moving and melancholic, slow and reconforting as the ever-coming heat waves during a burning hot afternoon nap.
Simon's Praise & Ballads Selection
first link is broken
Yeah, apparently it's an Get the Curse internal problem, all their posts including the most recents lead to the 404 page...
Wait a few days, it should likely return to normal
GTC is up again !
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